Ultrasound Service

Get Expert ultrasound services Today

What is an Ultrasound?

Ultrasound is a type of medical imaging that produces images of the inside of the body by using high-frequency sound waves. They aren’t invasive or painful at all. At Ascend Imaging Center, our expert ultrasound technologists conduct these tests to check the health of your abdominal organs and more. This helps detect any internal issues in the initial stages. The early diagnosis in turn will help your doctor determine and recommend remedial procedures as per requirement.

person holding ultrasound equipment
ultrasound screen

Why Choose Ascend Imaging Center for your Ultrasound?

Do you need options for Ultrasound Service Near you in Southfield? Then look no further, because at Ascend Imaging Center, our Ultrasound technologists use state-of-the-art equipment for your facilitation. Our Ultrasound services are also used to examine many parts of the body, from the heart and abdomen to muscles and joints.

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Medical Imaging
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<h4>William T</h4>

William T

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I was prescribed a leg circulation test for my leg cramps, and I decided to get the test done at the Ascend Imaging Center. The test was quick, and the overall services at Ascend Imaging Center were also great.
<h4>Emily C</h4>

Emily C

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We were so grateful for the expertise of the ultrasound technicians at Ascend Imaging Center during my pregnancy.
<h4>John M</h4>

John M

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With a family history of heart disease, I wanted to get tested for any heart disease, and the doctors at Ascend Imaging Center were very helpful with that.


An ultrasound is used for checking the health of your abdominal organs, the pelvic region and more.
A physician would recommend Ultrasound to visualize internal organs and structures, such as a developing fetus during pregnancy, without using radiation.
To prepare for an ultrasound, a patient typically needs to drink water. It is better to avoid eating for a few hours before the procedure, depending on the type of ultrasound being performed.
Ultrasound is generally considered safe with minimal risks, though rare adverse effects like discomfort or heating of tissues can occur during the procedure.
You can get the best Ultrasound in Southfield, MIchigan at Ascend Imaging Center. Our Ultrasound technologists use state-of-the-art facilities. Thus, ensuring the accuracy of results, whilst maintaining a patient’s comfort simultaneously.