Cleerly Coronary Scan

A Non-Invasive Heart Scan for Coronary Diseases

What is Cleerly Coronary Scan?

Cleerly is an innovative coronary analysis method that utilizes cutting-edge machine intelligence for a thorough evaluation of each coronary artery and its branches. The Cleerly software analyzes images obtained from the CCTA scan.

It provides precise information to help your physicians assess the risk of a heart attack and devise an appropriate treatment plan for you.
female observing coronary scan
technologist analyzing cleerly coronary scan

Why Get Cleerly Scan at Ascend Imaging Center?

At Ascend Imaging Centre, we prioritize your comfort and accurate results. Our cutting-edge CCTA scanners utilize the latest technology and high-resolution images. Highly trained technologists ensure a smooth experience and work seamlessly with Cleerly software for fast results on your detailed analysis.

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<h4>William T</h4>

William T

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I was prescribed a leg circulation test for my leg cramps, and I decided to get the test done at the Ascend Imaging Center. The test was quick, and the overall services at Ascend Imaging Center were also great.
<h4>Emily C</h4>

Emily C

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We were so grateful for the expertise of the ultrasound technicians at Ascend Imaging Center during my pregnancy.
<h4>John M</h4>

John M

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With a family history of heart disease, I wanted to get tested for any heart disease, and the doctors at Ascend Imaging Center were very helpful with that.


A Cleerly scan typically takes 30 minutes.
You may need a Cleerly Coronary Scan if you have concerns about your heart health or risk factors for coronary artery disease.
The cost of a Cleerly Coronary Scan varies depending on your location and insurance coverage.

You can schedule a Cleerly Coronary Scan Analysis by booking an appointment at Ascend Imaging Center.

Ask your physician or cardiologist for a CCTA scan with Cleerly analysis and come to Ascend Imaging Center.